Saturday, 13 August 2016

Periodical Guilt

PERIODICAL GUILT is a poem I write to emphasize on the saying that, "Our lives begin to end the day we remain silent about the things that matter".
Let us not die out of silence, rather let us RIGHT THE WRONG of our friends, families, society and all other things that surround us.
Be a VOICE not NOISE to someone each day in your life.
Let the instances in this poem "Periodical Guilt", not be your story
Take a read....


She never got what she liked
Perhaps she liked what she got
She now deeply regrets
As she reflects on the events that led to her plight

She yearned to move from the scorching sun to warmth
She hoped her tears would give way to smiles
But it was rather unfortunate
What she went through was a sad way to start life

She got hooked up to him
Like a bait on a hook
She is now being used as a cautionary tale
She now fights to live
Her life is one that now never knows joy
She cries herself to sleep each day
Pain has consumed her heart
To everyone, she is an object of ridicule
The drugs she took, so deadly
Yet, her baby still lived

Initially, her dress so skimpy and inviting
Now she bears a child
A child conceived out of rape
A child whose dad cannot be traced

You! her friend, perceived this will happen
But you never gave her a prompt
You never stopped her
You never gave her your counsel

She's on her sick bed
She groans in pain
She remembers her past
She wonders if she will breathe her last
Leaving her child an orphan
She remembers you, her friend
A friend who silently watched her go astray

She struggles to say her final words
Thinking her words would be of love
That would leave memories no one can steal
You plead with her to speak
Her last words left a heart ache no one can heal

And now, your life is full of periodical guilt

Poem written by:
Joyce Ohenewaa Kwapong
University of Ghana, Accra City Campus
Activist, Women and Children
Read more on my blog

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